Today we were finally able to meet up with some friends today that I have known online for a while. The mommy and I were in a group together while we were pregnant. Our girls are now a year and a half old. We also have older girls that are within a month or so apart. Our older girls are in the same dance class, so we will be seeing each other often!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
87/365: From Blog to Book
87/365: From Blog to Book, originally uploaded by sanboogie.
I've been spending late nights trying to get my blog converted to book form. The way I blog and caption my pictures apparently does not translate well to a book. It's taking a lot of time to get everything converted and looking halfway decent.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
86/365: My Girl
I love it when she smiles!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
85/365: Billy
Billy (the stuffed lamb in this picture) has been a big part of our lives since Juli was about 3 months old. She took to him and wouldn't let go. Since she was about 6 or 7 months old, she would not go to sleep without him. She rubs the satin ribbon between her thumb and forefinger until she falls asleep. He's her lovey and her best friend.
I don't know if she realizes it yet or not, but there are actually about 5 "Billies" in rotation at our house. LOL
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
84/365: A quiet place
Things at work are kind of busy, hectic and crazy right now. I needed to get out and clear my mind. I grabbed my camera and headed over to Valley Forge National Park on my lunch break. It's so peaceful and quiet there.
Monday, September 15, 2008
83/365: i heart reese's
i heart reese's pieces.
Especially this time of the month. LOL
Sunday, September 14, 2008
82/365: Livi Loves Windows
Livi always climbs up on the couch and sits on the radiator to look out the back window. She learned this from her big sister. It's always been a favorite spot of Juli's too.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
81/365: Tutu Sisters
Juli had her first dance class today. She was so excited to go. Livi got upset and had a fit when Juli put her leotard and tutu on. Juli got her dress-up tutu for Livi to wear and everyone was happy!
Friday, September 12, 2008
80/365: My to do list
I am almost finished with Text Such a Pretty Fat, then on to Twilight. Just as soon as I get some time to myself...
Yeah, it could be a while. LOL
Thursday, September 11, 2008
79/365: Fresh and Clean
Another long day without getting the camera out until late. After doing my nightly routine I realized I was almost out of picture taking time.
Clearasil time. Pinkies up. ;-)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
78/365: Fly Away
I noticed this statue thing when I was out for a lunch break today. For some reason it grabbed my attention enough to take it's picture.
Somewhere in Trooper, PA
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
77/365: Last Minute Cheese
I didn't get a chance to take my 365 picture until we were about to get into bet. My ever-willing little model agreed to smile for me.
Monday, September 8, 2008
76/365: Mooooo
We bought a box of fudge while we were down the shore. Juli saw us putting it in the fridge and wanted to know what it was. James told her it was a cow. She asked if she could see it. He told her yes, but she had to cover her ears.
He proceeded to moo as he opened the box and quickly closed it. Livi came over and got in on the action. They had to make sure they covered their ears or the cow wouldn't moo.
This went on until James told them it was time for the cow to go to sleep and we needed to put him back in the fridge. He gave Juli the honor and told her she had to be super careful putting him back.
I never saw her move so slow and cautiously before! LOL!!!
There was still a tiny cow living in a box in our refridgerator until the next day when we took the fudge out to have a piece. Gullible kids.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
75/365: Riding the Boards
James (in front) and Joseph rode their motorcycles on the boardwalk today in a charity ride benefiting the United Way. This part of the boardwalk (in front of the convention center) is actually concrete instead of boards.
There were SO many bikes in this ride and thousands more in the area that didn't participate. Definitely a site to see!
Roar to the shore 2008
Wildwood, NJ
Saturday, September 6, 2008
74/365: Bike Show
With Hanna in town, it rained off and on most of today. It really downpoured from about 3pm until around 8pm. Earlier in the afternoon we went over to the Wildwood Convention Center to see the Pro Bike Builder Show. There were a lot of really cool bikes there. It did look like a lot of builders may have bailed out due to the storm.
This picture is of Arlen Ness. Apparently he is a bigshot in the custom bike world. James knew who he was right away. I am lucky that I remember his name! LOL
Friday, September 5, 2008
73/365: Hanna Time
We arrived at the Jersey shore just in time to meet tropical storm Hanna there. I think this is how they were spelling Hanna.
Luckily not too long after this it let up and we were able to get out and get some provisions and check out some of the bikes that came for bike week at Roar to the Shore.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
72/365: Focus on You
Tonight after packing for the shore and packing for the girls to go with my parents for the weekend, I was checking out my 50mm lens. I was worried about the focus and if the lens worked right. I focused on James' left (right side of the picture) and it obviously focused. So it's me not the lens, LOL!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
71/365: Dancing Shoes
Juli starts dance class next week. We took her out tonight to get her shoes. She has to have pink ballet shoes and black tap shoes. She was so excited she was dancing all around the store. Of course, Livi wanted to dance too. Yeah, guess who else got a pair of ballet shoes.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
70/365: Tired
The kids go back to school tomorrow. I have a million things to do today and I'm just... tired.
Monday, September 1, 2008
69/365: Safety Town
We took the girls over to Safety Town to ride bikes today. Juli has been asking to play with her cousin Katie, so we picked her up and took her too.
Safety Town is an area inside a local park that has streets, traffic lights and buildings. Kids can safely ride big wheels and smaller bikes there while learning how to share the road with others.
Livi enjoyed being a pedestrian in Safety Town.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
68/365: Little Helpers
The girls are very into "helping". This doesn't always make the job easier or faster, but I love that they want to be a part of everything.
Here they are "helping" James make breakfast.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
67/365: New Windows!
Yay for new windows! Goodbye old crappy ones!
Yay for super-handy husbands that can do it themselves!
Friday, August 29, 2008
66/365: Home Peepo
Tonight we went to pick up a few things from the Home Depot (or Home Peepo as Juli calls it) in preparation for putting in our new family room windows. This was a much needed project as the old picture window had a chunk missing. It looked like a rock or something was kicked up by a mower. It was double paned so the inside pane didn't have a hole, just the outer one, but it looked crappy.
NGWC Challenge #8: letterform
Thursday, August 28, 2008
65/365: Me Again
Tonight I went to get a haircut and to get my highlights touched up. Of course I should have taken a better picture of my hair, but I didn't get the tripod in just the right spot. Eh, better luck next time.
By the way, I have been in front of the camera more this week than I have been in years! LOL
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
64/365: Sweet Embrace
James came home from the boat today. I miss him like crazy when he is gone.
Enough said.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
63/365: E.N.T. visit
Today I went fo my ENT appointment. It was crazy. He looked in my ears and found a hole in my eardrum. Then he numbed my nose and stuck a tube thing in it and down my throat -GROSS! He said my adenoids are big, as well as my tonsils. Yeah, I had my adenoids removed when I was about 5 or 6, those suckers grew back! So, he thinks they should come out. It's not a pressing issue. So I asked him if we can wait until February if possible - I have a full schedule from now until January. The doc said recovery would be "every bit of 16-18 days, maybe more" depending on how I heal.
After the nose tube, I went for a hearing test. I definitely have hearing loss. Apparently I also have a hole in BOTH eardrums. The one was so small the doctor didn't see it with the regular scope thing. They did a pressure test and found it that way. Then I went back to a different room where he looked into my ears with a HUGE microscope thing. Yep - 2 holes. One is so big that he thinks it is contributing to the hearing loss and I should have it repaired. He doesn't do that kind of surgery so he is referring me to his colleague. The colleague only works in the city, so I have to make an appointment to go see them there. Luckily that surgery is outpatient.
So yep, 2 surgeries for me. Fun, huh?
Monday, August 25, 2008
62/365: Flautas and Friendship
Since the girls are with the grandparents and the boys are on the boats, Denise and I had a nice girls night. We probably haven't spent much time alone just the two of us as friends, since Juli was born. it was nice to hang out and just be friends, not mommies or wives. We went to Chevy's for some mexican food, mmm mmm.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
61/365: Tick Tock
Where does the time go? I had so much to do today, when I looked up at the clock the day is almost over!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
60/365: All About Me
Today was all about me. I was home alone with no kids and no husband, free to do what I wanted to do! I took some self portraits this morning with my new lens. I did some laundry and cleaning, then headed out to take wander around alone and take some pictures! So relaxing!
Friday, August 22, 2008
59/365: Nifty!
I got my Nifty Fifty lens today! Woo-hoo! I can't wait to try it out! It didn't come until pretty late tonight, so I didn't have time or good light to take pictures. I can't wait until tomorrow!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
58/365: Pack 'em up
Since school is closed next week, the girls are going to the lake with my parents tomorrow until Monday or Tuesday. Tonight I had to get all their stuff together and packed. I'm sure I forgot something.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
57/365: Grocery Shopping
Horrible picture, but it's the only one I took today. I ran to the grocery store before I picked the girls up from school. It's SO much easier that way. I snapped a picture because I was happy I remembered to take my reusable shopping bags in.
We got home and things got hectic. I did not get a chance to take another picture. So this is it.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
56/365: Beauty Shop
Juli found her princess blow dryer that makes noise and wanted to do Livi's hair. Unbelievably, Livi actually let her.
Monday, August 18, 2008
55/365: Shower time
Tonight instead of a bath Juli wanted to take a shower, "all by herself". So I let her. I kept opening the doors and checking on her, but she did a great job. She was really proud of herself!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
54/365: A Day at the Zoo
We went to the zoo today with Aunt Connie and Matt. Juli LOVED feeding the ducks. She also went for a pony ride. Livi had a good time, but she fell asleep right after lunch and missed out on all the fun stuff!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
53/365: Do Do Do Do Do Dora
We went to Katie's 3rd birthday party today. It was a Dora party. Dora herself showed up! Unfortunately most of the kids (including Katie) did not like the life-size Dora and ended up crying! Juli was happy to see her. Livi, not so much.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
52/365: Blow out the...
We sang "Happy Birthday" to my sister tonight and apparently no one remembered candles. My mom found a lighter and improvised.
I had better shots from tonight, but this was just funny and typical for us.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
51/365: Rough Night
![50/365: Rough night](
We had a rough night here. Livi went to bed no problem as usual. A little after 9pm, Juli was in her room and stubbed her toe. She screamed and started crying loudly, of course this woke Livi up and she started screaming too. Neither would go back into their beds.
Funny though, they had no problem sleeping in mine.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
50/365: Bedtime Story
Daddy read us a bedtime story before going back to work. Juli really loves her princess book and James really loves his princess.
Monday, August 11, 2008
49/365: Sweet Corn
Tonight we decided to fire up the grill for dinner. I shucked some corn and James got the grill all ready. We put some burgers and potatoes on the grill. About halfway through we ran out of propane. Yeah, typical. We had to usher everything into the oven and broil it!
Oh well, it was still pretty good and the girls loved the corn!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
48/365: Looking for a Pot of Gold
Today after being sick all afternoon from my newest round of antibiotics we decided to get out of the house for a bit. We were lucky enough to spy this double rainbow. It's kind of hard to see the second arch on top, but it is there. I only had my point and shoot in my purse so this was the best I could do.
It did make a bright spot in my otherwise dreary day. I think this was the first time I have ever seen an entire rainbow from one end to the other, and a double one at that! It was huge and I could not get it all in the picture. It was so bright and beautiful!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
47/365: Spring, er Summer Cleaning
Since it was a totally gorgeous day out today, we flung open the windows while we cleaned the living room. The girls love to help "dust" so I give them each a clean swiffer to keep them out of my way. Livi usually has a blast and sometimes she actually does a little dusting!
We cranked the Bare Naked Ladies CD for kids, "Snacktime" and rocked out while we cleaned.
Friday, August 8, 2008
46/365: Um, kinda
So I actually took this photo today instead of yesterday. I spent all of yesterday in that spot sleeping and whining. I could hardly lift my head off of the pillows. I have strep throat for what is probably the 6th or 7th time since January.
I went to the doctor to confirm it and get my newest round of antibiotics. I felt so horrible that I couldn't even sit up straight so James had to drive me and go in with me. I'm heading to an otolaryngologist in a few weeks. My regular doctor thinks it's time for my tonsils to come out.
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
45/465: Two Wheels and a Prayer
My husband requested a photo of his bike so we found a nice spot to take a picture. He likes the look of HDR so I tried it out with an HDR generator.
He has two wheels and I pray he keeps them both on the ground!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
44/365: Pink Duotone Bike
Today I stayed home from work sick. James was out in the garage working on his bike so I poked my head in to see what he was up to. He was making a few mods, so I took a few pictures. I tried a few adjustments for a CU Assignment. This one is my favorite, but I'm not sure it qualifies as a duotone, since I can see other colors peeking through. Not really sure...
By the way, I don't ride, but if I did, I would LOVE my bike to look like this!
Possible CU Assigment: Duotone
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
43/365: Wii are Family
Juli put in a special request to play Wii after school. We picked up a pizza for dinner and had a family fun night. We bowled and golfed and even tried our hand at tennis. Juli did great at bowling. I ruled the golf course and James won our bowling match. Livi had fun running around with a remote that didn't have batteries in it pretending to play!
Monday, August 4, 2008
42/365: Seesaw
We went to a playground near our house that we hadn't been to before. The play equipment was SO old! Most of the paint was chipping off. We actually left in search of a better, more up-to-date playground!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
41/365: Livi's First Haircut
We took the girls to Sweet and Sassy for haircuts. It's a little spa-like place for little girls. Juli loves it there. She sat and had her haircut while Livi watched. I didn't think Livi would sit for a haircut, but we gave it a shot. She LOVED it! She was hamming it up saying "cheeese" the whole time!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
40/365: Outlet shopping!
We went to the outlets in Limerick to do a little shopping. It was a nice day when we got there. While we were shopping the skies opened and it poured! Then it suddenly cleared again and I was able to get a nice sunny shot. I also got a few deals on things for the girls!
Friday, August 1, 2008
39/365: Ducks In A Row
Tonight we were lounging around and I was playing with my camera. I noticed Juli had lined up all of her ducks and walked away for a minute. The girls LOVE playing with these silly little ducks!